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A Quiet Street in El Paso Page 6
A Quiet Street in El Paso Read online
Page 6
What surprised Fat Baby was the meeting was to be held in a popular Mexican restaurant in downtown El Paso. As he sat in the back of the limo, he couldn’t even begin to have one idea how the meeting was going to go down. He figured the cartel was going to want a piece of the city. He didn’t know how much they were going to ask for. Or maybe they wanted the whole thing. He reached over and grabbed his cell. He made a call. “You know who this is?”
Mat knew right away. “Yes.”
“Time to earn your pay. Be at the Grande Mexicana restaurant in about twenty minutes. I need some backup.”
“What is going on?”
“Just be there. You’ll see me. I’ll be the only three-hundred-pound black man sitting with a bunch of Mexicans.”
Mat knew right away who he was talking about. He said, “A sitdown with the people who blew away one of your houses.”
“Be discreet and watch my back.”
“For a grand.”
“Just be there.” He tapped the end button.
~ * ~
Mat sat at the bar and watched the restaurant behind him, through the bar mirror. There were three well dressed and very business looking Mexicans sitting around a large table in the corner. There was one black man sitting between them. Mat thought to himself it was a good place to have a meeting; out in the open. The men were smiling. Fat Baby had that deer in the headlights look.
The waiter left the table after taking the lunch order. One of the Mexican men began to talk. His accent was very slight which surprised Fat Baby. “I want to thank you for showing up…alone. I have to believe you are a man of your word.”
Fat Baby didn’t respond. The man continued. He hardly had an accent. “First off this is a meeting that had to happen. And what happened in the past must be forgotten. Please do not dwell on it. What is important is we leave here today knowing it is over.”
Again Fat Baby didn’t say a word. He sat quietly, knowing he would have his turn in due time.
After a few minutes of silence one of the other men spoke. “We have to understand this meeting is about running a business, so everyone makes a profit. We both have the same goals in mind. You have a thriving, profitable business. Your reputation is well known. You know what you’re doing and have accomplished a lot since taking over the operation. But your business is small. We need to talk about growing it.”
Mat turned slightly around. A small table with two chairs became available beside them. He grabbed his beer and quickly found his way to the table. He could hear what they were saying. It didn’t take long for him to realize the conversation sounded like a regular business meeting. The three Mexicans paid no attention to Mat as he motioned to the waiter.
Mat ordered and tried to listen to the conversation. He could only make out a few words. He laughed to himself as the men made it sound like a regular business deal.
“We are willing to make an investment in your business. Our offer is simple. Two million dollars up front and twenty-five percent share of your operation. Two of our best men will sit on the management team and have a say in the day to day operation.”
Fat Baby was immediately taken back by the way the man approached the deal. He wasn’t expecting anything like that. He was unprepared to even make a statement. He tried to think of something to say. He paused, took a deep breath, raised his hands and gave them a look of disbelief. He finally said, “I…I…well. I’m not sure what I get out of the deal. Two million isn’t much of a buy-in.”
“The two million isn’t a buy-in. It’s a show of good faith. What you get is us. You get protection. You get to keep a very large portion of the business. You get our experience. And we have the money and resources to double…triple our business with the supply of the Black Tar Mexican heroin. We supply the drug and with your distribution we will all make more money. Lots more money. You can keep a few meth houses, but you will be smart to phase them out. And just to let you know, we have already started. Your delivery man didn’t pick up chemicals. Our man picked up our first shipment. Don’t worry…your man was happy not to make the pick-up. He was paid every much to be silent.”
Fat Baby listened to the inflection in the man’s voice on the word ‘our.’ He also knew it was useless to argue or disagree. He had to give a little and then wait it out to see how it would work out, knowing he would have to keep a watchful eye on everything they did. He simply said, “I agree.”
“Good. We’ll need to look at your financials. We can then decide how we can spin this. After reviewing the numbers, we will be able to work out the details.”
“I guess that can be arranged.”
“Also, like I said, our goal is to increase production, hire more people and grow the sales numbers. We have people and the expertise to make this happen.” The man pointed to one of the other men. “Marcus here is the finance man. He knows numbers. Over there is Roberto. He is in charge of production. And I will work side by side with you on the day to day business. We have the means to increase the required materials.”
The food arrived. The four men ate mostly in silence. There was some chatter in Spanish. Fat Baby asked that they speak in English. They didn’t respond or stop.
Mat played with his food. He knew what was happening. It was easy to figure out the men were from a very powerful drug cartel and wanted a piece of Fat Baby’s drug empire. They had sent a message with the earlier massacre. The two million was sort of a peace offering. But Mat also knew it was all bullshit. They wanted it all. And would stop at nothing to take it away from Fat Baby. He wondered if Fat Baby had figured it out, too. Or was he suckered into believing by the way they carried themselves pretending to be businessmen buying into his business. Mat had a vision it wouldn’t be long before Fat Baby and his manufacturing houses and his people would be taken over and destroyed. He couldn’t decide if it would be worth it to have a conversation with Fat Baby. He just knew deep inside the fat man’s days were numbered.
~ * ~
Mat’s phone rang. He looked at the small screen. It was Fat Baby. He answered “Hey.”
“You played it pretty cool. You know, sitting at the table. You hear it all.”
“Some of it.”
“What do you think?”
“You’re asking me. I don’t know a damn thing about illegal drugs.”
“Don’t be a jerk. I spent the last few weeks learning everything I can about you. I can’t figure you out. You’re highly decorated. Well respected. A fuck up and a drunk. You’re like two people in one. You know your job better than anyone around. You do it better than anyone. But you take money from me and turn your eyes away from my illegal drug operation. Who the fuck are you?”
“It’s none of your business who I am or what I do. Now, to answer your question. I believe you better be watching every move they make. They are bad people. I mean really bad people. That I can tell. Don’t be fooled by their fancy clothes and bullshit business approach. They’ll cut your throat in a second. I know you had to let them in, but you got to watch them closely.”
Fat Baby didn’t say a word. He held the phone close to his ear. He began to breathe heavier and quicker. He realized what Mat said made sense. He said, “I did what I had to do. There wasn’t much I could say. Any thoughts on what you would do?”
“Not my problem. From what I see, they need you and your operation now. You have it running like clockwork. They know that. But I got to figure they have the people and money to do what you do. They just need time to grow into this area.”
“Can you find out more about them?”
“You know, Fat Baby, you don’t sound like the confident man I first talked to.
Maybe you figured it out or maybe not. It won’t be long before they cut you out. Now, to answer your question. No. I can’t find out who they are and even if I could, I won’t. Once I open my mouth, it would take the drug boys two seconds to figure out what I’m doing. You know it’s not my job. I can’t help you.”
“I need to put t
ogether a plan.”
“The hell with a plan. Take the two million and run.”
“That’s funny. I made that while we were talking. Plus, I got too many people depending on me.”
“You know something, Fat Baby? Maybe you’re too nice of a guy to be in the drug business. Get out while you can.”
“I’ll think about it. Hey, by the way. Could you nose around and see if your boys from Homicide have any idea who blew my house up?”
“Fat Baby…what the hell? You just met with them.”
“I know. But I have this feeling someone from my team gave up the place for cash. Maybe a lot of cash. You know, check it out from your sources and maybe you can find out who’s got too much cash on their hands.”
“I can’t promise anything. Just give Jamar another grand. And do me a favor and keep an open mind and watch every move they make.”
“I’ll be doing that. Maybe I can make this work. Maybe we can all work together and do like they say…grow the business. It will mean a lot more money. I can tell you that.”
“Oh yeah, more money. Sure. Be hard spending the money from six feet under.”
The line went dead.
Mat sat on the back patio at Divine’s apartment. He couldn’t help thinking about the meeting he had been invited to. He knew the right thing to do would be to tell his fellow officers. But he also knew it would open him up to tons of questions. On the other hand, he didn’t have the slightest idea how long it would take for the new cartel to take over Fat Baby’s operation. He thought, Why not ride along and take the five hundred a week as long as I can.
He looked up to see Divine walk out of the patio door. “Hey, Divine. How…”
“Call me Sue, please.”
Mat laughed. “Right. Sue…get me another couple shots.”
She turned around and disappeared into the kitchen. She returned in a few minutes with a bottle of Patron Tequila. She said, “Here. Drink yourself crazy.”
She sat and sipped a bottle of beer. The night was cool, and a slight breeze rolled across her shoulders. She looked over at Mat. “I’ve been doing what you asked me to do. You know…be looking around for big spenders. Now, don’t get all crazy when I tell you this. That good-looking black dude…Jamar, well, he’s been throwing around a lot of money lately and he’s been all over me. I tell him…no touch. Just let me do my thing. He gets a little crazy.”
Mat started to respond. Sue raised her hands. “Don’t get huffy. I just do my job. I’ve told you before it’s all a game.”
“Well, I don’t like his game.”
“The other girls do. Lately he’s brought in a few Mexicans who have been keeping the girls very busy. You know we don’t get too many Mexicans…mainly soldiers from Fort Bliss, and a few blacks and businessmen.”
Mat sat up. He smiled to himself. He knew right away these were members of the new cartel. Something wasn’t right. Mat figured it was too soon for any members of Fat Baby’s team to be friendly with the Mexicans. He said, “So, Jamar, how’s he act around these guys?”
“You know, introducing them to everyone. Making sure we know them. They seem nice but, I don’t know, there is something scary about them.”
Something clicked in Mat’s head. “And you’re saying Jamar is throwing a lot of cash around. Right?”
“You got it, pal.”
“You did good. Now let me give you a reward.”
Mat knew. The man who gave him useful information about several companies using illegal workers in exchange for turning his back on his selling drugs was the man Fat Baby was looking for. He had to decide if he should call Fat Baby or let it go. In a way, Jamar had given him useful tips in the past and was delivering the cash from Fat Baby each week. But now he was pissing him off trying to make it with Sue. There was no question in Mat’s mind Jamar was working his way to make a move on her. It was payback time. He figured it was only a matter of time before Jamar would flash tons of cash and try to convince her to get out of the exotic dancing business and become his lady.
Mat drove home. He called Fat Baby. He figured the information was worth a few grand. A small amount to pay for the information he wanted so badly.
He punched in Fat Baby’s number from memory. It rang once. “Mat. What’s up, brother?”
“Now we're brothers,” Mat mumbled. “Really quick. You know our boy, Jamar.”
“Delivery boy.”
“Right. Well, it seems he’s been hanging around The Pink Lady throwing around lots of green…and he’s brought in a few Mexicans.”
There was silence on the other end. Fat Baby closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’ll have it checked out.”
“You also need to find me a new delivery boy. And toss in two grand.”
“Only if he’s the mark.”
“I’d bet on it.”
~ * ~
It didn’t take long for Fat Baby to verify Jamar had betrayed him and the team. He contacted the team leader and told him to arrange a meeting with Jamar. He was to tell Jamar he was about to get a few kicks up the ladder. He would be promoted to a team leader.
Jamar drove to a deserted warehouse east of the city. He was so excited he could hardly control the car. He figured it was about time he got recognized for his work. He drove around behind several buildings until he saw a stretch limo. “Fat Baby himself,” he called out.
Jamar stopped the car next to the limo. He got out and walked around to the back. He stood silent as the large back window slowly slid down. He bent over. He smiled, “Well, look at this. It’s Fat Baby himself coming to meet ol’ Jamar.”
Fat Baby replied quickly, “You have made a name for yourself and you are to be rewarded.”
Jamar pounded his chest several times and called out, “I am the man people know and trust.”
“One of the team leaders will take you to one of our houses and begin to instruct you on your new assignment. You will be in line to make a lot more money, my friend.”
“Now we’re talking.”
Two men came up behind Jamar and motioned to him to follow them. He called out, “What about my car?”
“You won’t be needing it where you’re going.”
It didn’t take long for Jamar to figure out he had been discovered. He immediately began to make a move when the two men grabbed him and dragged him toward a waiting car. He tried to call out, but it was too late. Before he could move, a blunt instrument smashed into the side of his head and he blacked out. He didn’t hear a thing as Fat Baby’s limo roared down the alley.
Captain Ramirez studied the flyer Mat had drawn up. He looked up at Mat. “So, you want me to put this out over the wire for all departments to be on the lookout for two white vans with “Custom Plumbing” on the side.”
“That’d be it.”
“And you want the officers who spot the van to call you.”
“You’re getting it.”
“I’m not crazy about doing this. You know…probable cause.”
“I’m not asking for anybody to stop them. Just find out what they can about the vans and notify me.”
“I’ll do it, but you had better be on the mark with this one. We fuck up and we’ll have the brass on our ass.”
“Nice rhyme.” Mat left the office.
Two weeks later Mat got a call two officers had seen one of the vans and observed it parking at an apartment complex in Southeast El Paso…Sunrise View Apartments. He also found out there was no company called, “Custom Plumbing.”
Mat called Betty. “Meet me in an hour on South Central Avenue. There is an abandoned gas station on the corner. And guess what? You get to call in fire power. I found the vans.”
“I’ll get on it.”
Mat watched as a SWAT armored vehicle pulled in back of the station. Betty drove in behind the vehicle and stopped. She slid out of the car and walked over to Mat. He spoke first. “The two vans are still there. I didn’t want to do an
ything until you and your squad arrived. We need a strategy.”
“Any thoughts?”
“I was going to go to the manager’s office and find out what apartment the brothers lived in. But I thought he could be involved in some way and give them a heads up. It might be best to wait them out. They have to come out sometime. The vans are parked at the end of the covered lot. I don’t think we want a wild shootout. I just want to be careful.”
“I wish we knew more about these two guys. I agree we don’t need a shootout. But I don’t like the idea of waiting around all day and night.”
“I know. But we don’t have many other options. They have to come out of their place sometime.”
“You know, Mat, everything we’re doing here is unauthorized. We don’t have probable cause. Shit, we don’t even know if these guys are the ones we’re looking for. We’re going on a tip. Mat, I…”
“It’s what I do. We have a job. And it’s a simple one. Stop illegal immigrants from coming across the border and mainly stopping those who smuggle them in. We should take chances some time. I’ve done this before. You should trust me. Most of these smugglers are not hardened criminals. To them it’s another way to make money. Of all the arrests I’ve made, I have yet to use my weapon. When they come out of their apartment, I guarantee you if we approach them, they’ll come with us peacefully. Hey, we’ve made three arrests since you came aboard and—”
“I know. I know. Okay. But something’s a little different in the way you’re acting.”
“What’s that?”
“Asking for a SWAT team, ah, Mister No-violence.”